The Glen: Winter 2017 Volume 6 Issue 1

The Canadian Corps launched its assault on Vimy Ridge in the early morning hours of 9 April 1917 and, by the battle’s end on the 12th, the ridge

which the enemy had transformed into a gigantic fortress that had withstood three previous Allied assaults was in Canadian hands. In fact most of it had been captured by day’s end on the 9th, and the stunning victory went a long way towards establishing the Canadian Corps’ reputation as a deadly professional force. But the victory came at an enormous cost and 9 April 1917 stands as the bloodiest day in Canadian military history.

This April will mark the 100th anniversary of the battle for Vimy Ridge and events to commemorate it will no doubt be held across our land. In Calgary a major parade involving all units of the Calgary garrison is being planned for Saturday 8 April. This issue of The Glen remembers Vimy with a lengthy, though it is hoped, informative article which begins on page 5.Fast forwarding almost a century, this issue’s other major article is a description of the Canadian Patrol Concentration (CPC), held during November 2016. Participating units from Canada and the UK fielded 8 man teams which were graded on all aspects of their performance over a grueling 48 hour recce patrol. At one time Reserve units would have found it almost impossible to field teams with the skills necessary to seriously compete in such an event. In contrast, the 2016 CPC saw a number of Reserve Force teams participate, including a Calgary Highlanders team which won a silver medal. Our coverage of the Calgary Highlanders Team’s work up training and the actual patrol is written by two of the Unit’s team members.

This Glen also includes firsthand accounts of a world class obstacle course, deployments on major exercises, the Pipes & Drums on Parliament Hill, a poem on infantry, and much more besides.

I hope you enjoy it

Denis A. Mascardelli
Editor’s Page

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