All formal requests will require the Band Request Form (To the Right) to be completed and forwarded to the appropriate people as noted in the document.
Note 1 – The submission of the request is required a minimum of 45 days before the event start date. Urgent requests will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Note 2 – For events that are not directly related to official military requirements, a financial charge may be applied. Accordingly, a Provision of Services agreement and Contract will need to be completed for non-official functions.
Note 3 – The bands of 41 Canadian Brigade Group are comprised of Reserve Force personnel or volunteers who only parade once a week or as required due to military requirements. Therefore it must be understood that long range event confirmation cannot be guaranteed and/or may be cancelled at the last moment due to operational or higher priority official CF requirements.
Services Provided
In the past we have provided the following arrangements:
A fee may or may not be charged based on the type of event, number of band members required and location requirements such as transportation and accommodation.
The ultimate decision rests with the Calgary Highlanders Commanding Officer.