Family Association


The Calgary Highlanders Family Association consists of volunteers. The function of the Family Association is to support the Regiment and to raise funds and finance scholarships offered by The Calgary Highlanders. This support extends also to troops serving on rotations overseas.

The Family Association is always looking for more volunteers from the troops’ spouses, parents, etc. Casual volunteers or additional members are most welcome.

Volunteer activities include assisting with the Children’s Christmas Party (an annual tradition, see the UPCOMING EVENTS page for more details), and other future activities.

For more information contact, or to volunteer your services, please contact Darlene de Guzman-Tucker at 403-400-3117.

Executive Committee

President: Darlene DeGuzman-Tucker
Treasurer: Bill Emslie

Calgary Highlanders Family Association Scholarship

Cpl Margus Viberg – $1,000


CPL Brendan Conner = $1000

PTE Vishal Mittu – $500

Bursary was not offered.

Master Corporal Colin MacDonald – $1,000

Corporal Christina Bolcsfoldy-Horne – $500

Corporal Jordan Glass – $500

Sgt Eric Robinson – $250

No qualified candidate submissions.

  • Master Corporal Benjamin Forrest – $1000
  • Corporal Joel Heinz – $1000
  • Private A.J. Henwood, Pipes and Drums – $1000
  • Will Emslie – $1000
  • Joel Fernandez – $500
  • Jason Leek – $500
  • The Calgary Highlanders Ladies Auxiliary $1000 Scholarship for 2005 was awarded at the St. Julien’s Dinner on Friday, April 29th. The 2005 award went to Warrant Officer Terry Afflick.

In June 2004, three long time members of the Calgary Highlanders Ladies Auxiliary retired – Mrs. Helen McCumber, Mrs. Shelley Russell, and Mrs. Deidre Morton-Spaan. The Ladies Auxiliary soldiered on, however, and five core members stepped up to ensure that the good work of this organization continued.

The core members of this group as of April 2005 were

  • Renee Griffiths – President
  • Margaret Stewart – Vice President
  • Maria Emslie – Treasurer

The Armoury kitchen opened again on Wednesday nights as of 3 November 2004 and served two hot meals per night.

At the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel J. Fred Scott, requested that his wife form an Auxiliary while the Regiment was overseas. With the assistance of Mrs. CC Matthews, as President, and Mrs. Scott as vice President, and with the help of Mrs. Olga Nickle, Mrs. Betty Lockwood and several others, the Auxiliary did Red Cross work, held rummage sales, and raised funds to sent comfort items to soldiers overseas. Meetings of the Auxiliary were held in Paget Hall, the Anglican Cathedral.

The Auxiliary was disbanded when the First Battalion returned to Canada in 1945, and reactivated in 1953 under President Jean Guise.

Mrs. Guise served as President until 1956. Presidents to follow after her were

1960 Yvonne Pink
1962 Helen Kozicky
1964 Hazel Alexander
1967 Marg Bell
1969 Kay Steckle
1971 Margo Burden
1972 Pat Blakely
1973 Norah Duffin
1977 Margo Burden
1978 Mrs. Hughes
1983 Rita Gutherie
1985 Marion Dennis
1988 Barbara Maitland
1992 Laura Ansell
1996 Shelley Russell
1998 Helen McCumber
2004 Elisa Holland
2005 Renee Griffiths
2008 Maria Emslie
2010 Ottilie Kelly
2015 Darlene de Guzman-Tucker

In 2010 the Ladies Auxiliary was renamed The Calgary Highlanders Family Association.


The first scholarship offered by the Auxiliary was the University of Calgary Scholarship instituted in 1958, which was a cash award of $100.00 for children of serving or ex-serving soldiers of the Regiment. Rosemary Nickle and Peggy Lee instituted this scholarship.

In 1970, the scholarship was increased to $200.00 a year.

In 1971 the Ladies Auxiliary agreed to provide a $100.00 annual scholarship to a student attending the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) whose father was serving or who had served with the Regiment, or to a Cadet serving with or who had served a minimum of one year with a corps affiliated with the Regiment. Rosemary Nickle and Hazel Alexander arranged for this scholarship with Mr. Jamieson, Vice President of SAIT.

In 1989 both the SAIT and University of Calgary Scholarships were combined into one. The amount of the award was increased to $700.00 per year in 1991 and then to $1000.00 per annum. In 2010, the award was increased to $2000, given out in three scholarships ($1000, $500 and $500).

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