Family Association
The Calgary Highlanders Family Association consists of volunteers. The function of the Family Association is to support the Regiment and to raise funds and finance scholarships offered by The Calgary Highlanders. This support extends also to troops serving on rotations overseas.
The Family Association is always looking for more volunteers from the troops’ spouses, parents, etc. Casual volunteers or additional members are most welcome.
Volunteer activities include assisting with the Children’s Christmas Party (an annual tradition, see the UPCOMING EVENTS page for more details), and other future activities.
For more information contact, or to volunteer your services, please contact Darlene de Guzman-Tucker at 403-400-3117.
Executive Committee
President: Darlene DeGuzman-Tucker
Treasurer: Bill Emslie
Calgary Highlanders Family Association Scholarship
The first scholarship offered by the Auxiliary was the University of Calgary Scholarship instituted in 1958, which was a cash award of $100.00 for children of serving or ex-serving soldiers of the Regiment. Rosemary Nickle and Peggy Lee instituted this scholarship.
In 1970, the scholarship was increased to $200.00 a year.
In 1971 the Ladies Auxiliary agreed to provide a $100.00 annual scholarship to a student attending the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) whose father was serving or who had served with the Regiment, or to a Cadet serving with or who had served a minimum of one year with a corps affiliated with the Regiment. Rosemary Nickle and Hazel Alexander arranged for this scholarship with Mr. Jamieson, Vice President of SAIT.
In 1989 both the SAIT and University of Calgary Scholarships were combined into one. The amount of the award was increased to $700.00 per year in 1991 and then to $1000.00 per annum. In 2010, the award was increased to $2000, given out in three scholarships ($1000, $500 and $500).