Current Senior Regimental Appointments of The Calgary Highlanders

Former Colonel-in-Chief (1981 – 2022)

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has been Canada’s monarch since she ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom in 1952, being crowned on 2 June. In 1981, Her Majesty consented to become Colonel-in-Chief of The Calgary Highlanders. She received regular reports from the Regiment on its activities, and visited Calgary for a final time in June 1990.

The Regiment received a new Queen’s Colour from Her Majesty while parading before her with the King’s Own Calgary Regiment (RCAC). The Calgary Highlanders were one of the last Canadian infantry regiments to replace the Union Jack with the new flag of Canada. A new Colonel-in-Chief for the Calgary Highlanders has yet to be named.

From the Canadian Heritage Site:

“When the regiments of the British and Canadian Armies were first formed, many had a royal patron who agreed to become the ceremonial commander of the unit or its “Colonel-in-Chief.” Perhaps foremost among the reasons for such patronage was the desire to reinforce, within the ranks of the regiment, a loyalty to the Crown through this personal relationship with a member of the Royal Family. The Colonel-in-Chief remains in close contact with his/her regiment and takes a very personal ongoing interest in its well being and that of its members. One of the most colourful and significant moments in the life of a regiment is when its Colonel-in-Chief presents new colours: a flag bearing the insignia of the Colonel-in-Chief, the regiment and, oftentimes, its battle honours). Old colours are retired and given a place of honour as the new colours are first presented and marched past the members of the regiment.”

Honorary Colonel

Colonel Lauchlan Currie

Honorary Colonel Currie was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta.

Lauchlan Currie graduated from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Science in Geology in 1983. Following this he completed his Master in Business Administration in 1985 from Queen’s University in Ontario. He joined ARC (Advisory Research and Capital) Financial Corporation in 1995 as a junior analyst and today, he is the company’s Chief Executive Officer. ARC is Canada’s leading energy-focused private equity investor with approximately $6 billion of capital across nine ARC Energy Funds.

Honorary Colonel Currie currently chairs two oil & gas companies’ board of directors and over the span of his professional career has served on boards of over 15 junior oil and gas companies.

HCol Currie was raised with a strong sense of service to his community. As a result of his volunteer efforts, in 2001 he received Fundraiser of the Year for the Calgary Homeless Foundation and in 2016 was appointed as a Fellow of Glenbow Museum. He was appointed the Honourary Lieutenant-Colonel of The Calgary Highlanders shortly after meeting Her Majesty, our Colonel-in-Chief at Canada House in London April 2015. Since then, due to his dedicated time, effort, fundraising, and financial contributions to the Regimental Foundation, he was awarded the Clan of Gallant Canadians in the rank of Toshach.

Lauchlan Currie previously served as the Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of The Calgary Highlanders. In December 2017, Lauchlan Currie was officially promoted by the Minister of Defence to Honourary Colonel of the Calgary Highlanders.

Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel

Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Parker

Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Parker was born in Toronto, Ontario and raised in Calgary, Alberta.

Brian Parker graduated from Athabasca University with a Bachelor of Commerce in 1992 and began his career in the investment business.  He is currently Chairman and CEO of Acumen Capital Partners, a role he has filled since 2005.  Acumen is a full-service brokerage firm that specializes in Canadian growth companies.

Acumen, under HLCol Parker, has consistently contributed at least 1% of all profits to support community initiatives, especially those that support children’s charities. In addition, Acumen periodically donates a day of commissions to support worthy causes, such as the Military Families Fund, or the victims of the Fort MacMurray fires.

He was appointed Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of the Calgary Highlanders in June of 2018 and fills his spare time with family, cycling and travel.

Commanding Officer

Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Beauchamp, CD

Lieutenant-Colonel Beauchamp was born and raised in Calgary Alberta.  Following high school LCol Beauchamp studied Business Administration at Mount Royal College and in the spring of 2000 he joined The Calgary Highlanders as an Infantry Officer.  In September 2004 LCol Beauchamp moved to Lethbridge where he studied Human Resources and Labour Relations Management at the University of Lethbridge.  While attending school in Lethbridge LCol Beauchamp was attached to 18th Air Defence Regiment RCA where he was a Troop Commander and Course Officer.  In 2006 LCol Beauchamp graduated from the University of Lethbridge and returned to The Calgary Highlanders where he was employed as a Rifle Platoon Commander.

From February to October 2008, Lieutenant-Colonel Beauchamp deployed to Kandahar Afghanistan as a Platoon Commander.  While in Afghanistan Lieutenant-Colonel Beauchamp’s platoon split their time between protecting resupply convoys moving throughout Kandahar Province and providing security at Kandahar Air Field’s primary entry point.  These tasks allowed Lieutenant-Colonel Beauchamp to witness the diverse geography of Kandahar province while also interacting with the people of Afghanistan. Since returning from Afghanistan Lieutenant-Colonel Beauchamp has continued his military service with The Calgary Highlanders.  This included participating in the military response to Calgary’s 2013 flood.  Outside the military, Lieutenant-Colonel Beauchamp is employed as a Human Resources Team Lead by Alberta Health Services.

In his spare time, Lieutenant-Colonel Beauchamp is pursuing a Masters’s of Public Administration and enjoys being active in the outdoors with his daughters.

He was promoted to his current rank and appointed as the Commanding Officer on 06 June 2021.

Regimental Sergeant Major

Chief Warrant Officer Jamie C Moreau, CD

CWO Moreau was born in Quebec City, Quebec in 1971 and moved to Calgary in March of 1981 from Sherbrook Quebec.  He enrolled in the Calgary Highlanders on June 6, 1988.  He then completed the Driver Wheeled, AVGP, and Small Arms Coaches Courses.  In 1991 CWO Moreau was involved in Operation Snow Goose in Cyprus with the 1st Battalion PPCLI, Charlie Company, where he was employed as a rifleman and Grizzly driver in Rural Company.  In November of 1991 he was attached to the 3rd Battalion PPCLI to Halls Beach, Northwest Territories for an arctic sovereignty exercise and basic winter warfare training.

In 1993 he deployed again with the 3rd Battalion PPCLI on Operation Harmony in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia as a rifleman in Charlie Company. He returned back to the Balkans in 2002 on Operation Palladium with the 1st Bn PPCLI, Delta Company, and was employed as the OC’s driver. Upon his return, CWO Moreau completed his Basic Mountain Operations course and the army’s Tactical Communication and Information Systems Course.  In 2008 CWO Moreau attended his DP2 Infantry Platoon Support Weapons course and the Primary Leadership Qualification MOD 6.  In 2009 he deployed to Kandahar on Task Force 309 with the 2nd Battalion PPCLI,  A Company, tasked to the Provincial Reconstruction Team where he was employed as the Weapons Detachment Commander in the Mobility Platoon.

With the Calgary Highlanders, CWO Moreau has been employed as the Colour Warrant, as well as the Training Warrant, CQMS and CSM of A Company. In 2017 CWO Moreau moved into the Quartermaster Master Sergeant Instructor ‘s position until September of 2020 when he took over as the Regimental Sergeant Major.

He was promoted to his current rank on 06 June 2021.

He is married, and when not working with the military he enjoys golf, shooting and playing hockey.

Deputy Commanding Officer

Major Mike Mackillop, MMV CD

Officer Commanding “A” Company

Major Sean Fletcher

Officer Commanding “B” Company



Captain Derwyn Costinak

King’s Own Calgary Regiment (RCAC)
Cell: 403-923-8536

Drum Major

Sergeant Smith

Pipe Major

Pipe Major –

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